It All Enns Here

This blog is a continuation of sorts of a devotional blog I began in December of 2014 that takes the more dedicated blog reader through the entire bible chapter by chapter, starting with the first chapter of 2 Kings and ending about three years later with the last chapter of 1 Kings. A normal person likely would have started with Genesis 1 and ended with Revelation 22, but why be normal when one can be different? Truth be told, it happens to be the way it came together, and since I believe that everything happens for a reason, so I chose not to fight it.

bible under magnifying glass

The current focus of the this blog is on the last book of the bible attempting to take a little more time and delve into a little more detail than I did in the previous flyover of the entire Bible. The thoughts and insights expressed in this blog come from my own experience in reading and studying the Bible over the last fifty years or so, undoubtedly influenced by several years of Bible College and Seminary instruction, subsequently revised by twenty-some years in pastoral ministry. I have no delusions of holding the last word (hee hee) on how these last writings of the apostle John should be understood. For the most part I expect that this exploration of the book will serve to raise more questions than answers. I am hopeful that some of the readers and followers of this blog might venture to leave some of their questions and/or answers in the comments and that as result we all discover just a little more of what God intended to reveal to us through this book, and perhaps even help us all be able to face the reality that our life on this earth is not permanent with a sense of hope rather than despair.